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Lastest news:
5 Apr
Tomorrow our service will be not available during 2 hours.[done]
15 Feb
Connections limit increased from 20 to 30.
15 Feb
Prices was updated, but old prices will work until next purchase.
6 Feb
Substatus added into list veirication tool
6 Feb
Removing some invisible binary symbols during parsing.
23 Jan
Fixed processing for and emails. Changes in pricing model. Details are in yahoo article.
13 Jan
Added compatibility with TLS smtp servers.
9 Jan
Starting from 15.02.2024 we will accept only BTC and LTC payments. Prices will be increased approximatelly to 30%.
3 Jan
We start to accept Bitcoin and Litecoin payments.
14 Sep 2022
Improved processing for
7 Sep 2022
We fixed processing for files with additional data.
6 Sep 2022
As compensation, we are providing 50% discount for all processing during next week.
6 Sep 2022
Where was issue with auto_increment number in database, it was the reason why all files was with status "incorrect".
15 Sep 2020
Problem that happens on 1 of June is completelly solved.
1 Jun 2020
Today service was interrupted to 30 minutes because of maintenance.
1 Jun 2020
Service currently returning more unknown results than usually, we working on this problem but it will take ta least days.
4 May 2020
Fixed problem with authorization on site (problem appears on weekend, API was not affected).
26 Nov 2019
Today was problem with bulk processing - files of some customers was with "waiting" status too long. Problem was fixed and will not happens again. We deeply apologize and giving 30% discount for next 24 hours.
3 Nov 2019
Improved security for processing reports.

Verify Email for Exist API service

Common information

Our API service can be used for verify emails in automatic mode, so you do not need to upload emails to our service manually.
This email verification method require basic programming knowledge and consist of HTTP request to our service.
Verification speed of email box is linked with kind of email service because some email services using 30-60 seconds delay before answer.
Verify Email for Exist API scheme
We strongly recommend to use it only for basic verification of not big amount of emails,
this verification method is not compatible with our "anti-greylisting" feature.
If you want to get better speed and use our "anti-greylisting" feature - use bulk email verification instead.


  • Verify email account on more than 95% of email services
  • Pay per result (price from $0.26 to $0.13 per 1000 requests)
  • Emails list safety guarantee (we will not use emails for any other cases or resale)
  • Automatic processing without manually email uploading
  • Instant verification result
  • Pay per result, so do not pay for "unknown" emails
  • You can get "sub-status" of verification (examples: domain_error, unknown_email, email_disabled, dead_server, ...)

Prices per 1000 emails verification

Our email verification rate per 1000 emails linked with number of processed entries per your account, see pricing table.

0-200,000 200,000-500,000 500,000-5,000,000 5,000,000-...
$0.26 $0.2 $0.14 $0.13

** Email verification rate will not be increased, for example if you have process 5,000,000 emails - all next emails will cost $0.13 too.
*** For example, you initially pay $0.26 per 1000 emails, after you will verify 200,000 emails - your next 1000 emails will cost $0.2.

Email verification protocol

Verification based on one HTTPS request to our service.
Basic verification
Request url is:[secret_key_from_your_account]&email=[email]&ext=1
Input data for API: email
Output of API: {ok|fail|unknown}
ok - email address exist and correct
fail - email address not exist
unknown - we can't verify this email box (you do not pay for it)
Our API working not so fast - because it's taking lots of time for checking server (from 2 seconds up to 1 minute).
Incorrect emails taking more time, as usually it more than 5 seconds per email.

Getting sub-status of verification (added 08-Aug-2016)
You can get "sub-status" for each processed email if you will add "&ext=1" into API url. It will look like:[secret_key_from_your_account]&email=[email]&ext=1
Response will consist of "status" (ok, fail or unknown) and "sub-status":
There are 13 sub-statuses, prefix "t_" or "p_" can be added to sub-status, so sub-statues in report can be with/without prefix. For example: "fail|p_unknown_email", "fail|t_email_disabled", "unknown|antispam_system", "ok|ok" or "unknown|ok_for_all".
You can find more information about sub-statuses understanding here.
Notice: format can be customized by customer request.
Verify emails in two easy steps!

Few reasons about why this API better than some local script

  • Biggest part of ISP and servers do not configured for email verification
  • Our API is up to date, and always compatible with most popular email providers
  • Your server/computer will not be banned by email provider or anti-spam system
  • You do not paying money if email verification status is "unkown"
It's the cheapest offer for email verificartion API!

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Non-free services of My-Addr Project.
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