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Lastest news:
8 Jul
List and bulk processing tools moved into dashboard page.
4 Jul
Added email address location checker
1 Jun
We added invoices for crypto payments on
5 Apr
Tomorrow our service will be not available during 2 hours.[done]
15 Feb
Connections limit increased from 20 to 30.
15 Feb
Prices was updated, but old prices will work until next purchase.
6 Feb
Substatus added into list verification tool
6 Feb
Removing some invisible binary symbols during parsing.
23 Jan
Fixed processing for and emails. Changes in pricing model. Details are in yahoo article.
13 Jan
Added compatibility with TLS smtp servers.
9 Jan
Starting from 15.02.2024 we will accept only BTC and LTC payments. Prices will be increased approximatelly to 30%.
3 Jan
We start to accept Bitcoin and Litecoin payments.
14 Sep 2022
Improved processing for
7 Sep 2022
We fixed processing for files with additional data.
6 Sep 2022
As compensation, we are providing 50% discount for all processing during next week.
6 Sep 2022
Where was issue with auto_increment number in database, it was the reason why all files was with status "incorrect".
15 Sep 2020
Problem that happens on 1 of June is completelly solved.
1 Jun 2020
Today service was interrupted to 30 minutes because of maintenance.
1 Jun 2020
Service currently returning more unknown results than usually, we working on this problem but it will take ta least days.
4 May 2020
Fixed problem with authorization on site (problem appears on weekend, API was not affected).

Faq about email address verification service


I have purchase 10 USD to my account balance, but balance stay to be 0 USD.

It can happens when:
1) your order in PayPro billing's approve queue, sometimes it can take up to one hour, but as usually it's working instant.
We can do nothing with it, you can wait or write to PayPro support.
2) your order was rejected by PayPro billing, and your money was refunded. As usually it's when your location and location of your plastic card is different.
You can write to PayPro support and ask to approve order.

Can I increase account balance from PayPal, Webmoney?

Yes you can change payment method on order page.

I have purchase 100 USD, but my verification rate not changed, where is my discount?

We have two type of discounts discount per verifed emails and custom discount.
If you hope to get discount just after account balance purchase - we talking about "custom discount".
Custom discount can be set for your account only if you going to verify big list of emails, so contact us.

If I will purchase 10 USD and will verify only 1000 emails, can I use rest of money for some future verification?

Sure! But do not wait 3 years, because everything changing around.

PayPro billing company declined my order for no reason

You need to know - this is not fault of My-Addr Project! We just receiving balance notifications from billing in automatic mode.
Your order can be declined, because they afraid of fraud. You can contact our support with your order id and we will ask they to approve your current or next order.

Do you have any sort of trial?

Yes, sometimes we can add some money to your balance and you can verify low number of emails just for testing and pay nothing.
Pls not that we have no "unlimited" trials for week/day/hour, we can provide trial only for fixed number of emails.

Can I purchase some emails list?

No, My-Addr Project do not sale/resale/share any email lists.

Do you have some service for email sending?

No, My-Addr Project do not linked with email sending and have no services for it.

I can't understand your prices, how many I need to pay?

You can just log in into your account and upload your file into our free tool, and you will get approximal price for processing.

How I can be sure that my emails list will be safe, not shared or not used for mailing?

My-Addr Project created not yesterday or week ago, we working with email verification starting from 2008 and already trusted by lots of our customers.
We never use emails from our free/non-free tools for something other except verification.
Our reputation us very important for us, so you can do not worry about your emails.

I already verify file with 100,001 emails, but "emails verified" in my account is 83,000 , why?

Some part of emails, from your file, marked as "unknown", so you do not pay for such emails.
Our system counting only emails that you pay for, so "emails verified" is number of emails with status "ok" or "fail".

I have open report in text editor and it's looking broken.

Do you using "Notepad"? Some Windows text editors can display file as broken. Try to use "WordPad" editor.
If you will re-save report in WordPad it will work fine in "Notepad".

I want to know what emails from my list are valid/invalid, what is "unknown" emails?

When we starting our verification service we think that there are only valid and invalid emails too, but it was mistake.
For example, you coming to Mike's shop and asking "do you have red paper?" but he answer you "sorry, we closed bye!".
Mike did not say you any information about red paper, so when your friend will ask you "so you was near Mike's shop, do they have red paper?"
What you will answer?! Yes? No? We decide that our service will be honest and will told you "unknown" for emails that unable to verify for some reason.
We do not take money for emails marked as "unknown".

Sub-statuses "dead_server", "domain_error", "smtp_protocol" and "big" email providers

There are 340 millions domains in Internet and it happens a lot that some servers that are responsible for email receiving working incorrect or not working at all.
But is it happens with "big" email providers? Definitely, yes!
"Big" email providers using lots of hardware and software for receive emails, and it happens that some router/switch/ethernet card/software/... is overloaded or down.
Nobody know how long this issue will be, is it temporary and started 2 minutes ago and will be 6 minutes long or this issue is permanent.
Of course, our service waiting some time and re-verifying all emails for avoid situation when email is valid but hardware/software working incorrect for few minutes and service marking email with status "fail". But very-very rarely can happens that re-verification is not helping.
So, starting from 12 Aug 2018 service checking domain's verification history for previous 4 days and if everything was fine but currently working incorrect then service will mark email with "unknown" status instead of "fail" like was before.

"ok_for_all" substatus understanding

We will try to explain in on example. You come to shop, and asking "do you have Windows Vista?", they answer you "yes, sure",
you asking again "do you have Windows 7?", they answer you "yes, we have", you asking "do you have Windows FE 64 bit?", they answering "yes".
But you know that Windows FE 64 bit is not created by Microsoft, so they deceive. Do you will trust that they have Windows Vista and Windows 7?!
Probably no! There are some SMTP services that receive emails to any address, as usually it means that there is emails redirect to other SMTP
or letter come to internal queue where recipient will be checked and you can will get bounce. We marking emails from such servers as "ok_for_all".
Because they ready to receive email to any address, but nobody know that happens with such email after.

I pay money for know is valid email or not! But not for some strange statuses in my report "smtp_protocol","attempt_rejected"...

Look like you download "detailed" report that was created only for advanced customers who need to know "why email is invalid?".
You need to download "all" report that contains only "ok","fail","unknown" statuses.

What emails I need to use from report for my mailing?

There are three ways for mailing:
1) use "all" report, and take "ok"+"unknown" emails
2) use "detail" report, and take "ok"+"ok_for_all"
3) use only "ok" emails

You need to use way 1) if all "really alive" + "possible alive" + "possible dead" (except "really dead" emails) emails must receive your letter,
or use 3) if only emails verified as "alive" must receive you letter.

I getting bounces when using your "ok" emails

You have 15 days for email us with list of bounced emails. We will return money for bounced emails if it was fault of our service.
You also need to know that bounces can be result of pure reputation of your sender or email just was "disabled/deleted" by email provider.
Pls note that if you sending emails to support - you agree that we will use verification letter for completely check bounced emails.
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Non-free services of My-Addr Project.
All rights reserved. Usage of our sites is not allowed without follow of membership agreement.