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Lastest news:
8 Jul
List and bulk processing tools moved into dashboard page.
4 Jul
Added email address location checker
1 Jun
We added invoices for crypto payments on
5 Apr
Tomorrow our service will be not available during 2 hours.[done]
15 Feb
Connections limit increased from 20 to 30.
15 Feb
Prices was updated, but old prices will work until next purchase.
6 Feb
Substatus added into list verification tool
6 Feb
Removing some invisible binary symbols during parsing.
23 Jan
Fixed processing for and emails. Changes in pricing model. Details are in yahoo article.
13 Jan
Added compatibility with TLS smtp servers.
9 Jan
Starting from 15.02.2024 we will accept only BTC and LTC payments. Prices will be increased approximatelly to 30%.
3 Jan
We start to accept Bitcoin and Litecoin payments.
14 Sep 2022
Improved processing for
7 Sep 2022
We fixed processing for files with additional data.
6 Sep 2022
As compensation, we are providing 50% discount for all processing during next week.
6 Sep 2022
Where was issue with auto_increment number in database, it was the reason why all files was with status "incorrect".
15 Sep 2020
Problem that happens on 1 of June is completelly solved.
1 Jun 2020
Today service was interrupted to 30 minutes because of maintenance.
1 Jun 2020
Service currently returning more unknown results than usually, we working on this problem but it will take ta least days.
4 May 2020
Fixed problem with authorization on site (problem appears on weekend, API was not affected).

Online email address verification results guide


This short guide will help to understand our customers how to get maximum information from our email verification reports.
Bulk email verifier's result it's three CSV reports: "all","valid","detail".
example of email verification
Attention: not all text editors of Windows displaying file correct, pls use WordPad editor instead of default Notepad.
If all emails in report going in one row, or more than one email address per row - it's wrong editor and not issue of our service.

Understanding of "all" report

This type of report consist of email address and status. It's row structure is "","status", this is file of example.
In text editor it will looking like this:
Status "ok" will be if three conditions will be true:
  • email service answer us that ready to receive letter
  • no antispam tricks in use
  • email service do not answering that any email is valid
Status "fail" will be if five conditions will be true:
  • email service answer us that will not receive letter to this email
  • server is down
  • smpt server working incorrect
  • no antispam tricks in use
  • email syntax is incorrect
Status "unknown" will be if two conditions will be true:
  • looking like antispam tricks in use
  • email service answering "valid" for any email
We do not take money for "unknown" emails.


Understanding of "valid" report

This report - it's all emails from "all" report where status is "ok". Row structure is "", looking like:

Understanding of "detail" report

This newest type of report, created for advanced customers. Row structure is "","substatus", looking like:
There are 13 sub-statuses, prefix "t_" or "p_" can be added to sub-status, so sub-statues in report can be with/without prefix.
List and description of sub-statuses:
  • "ok" - all is ok, server saying that ready to receive letter to this address and no tricks detected
  • "error" - server saying that delivery failed, but no information about email existence or availability
  • "smtp_error" - answer of smtp server is invalid or server responding with some internal error
  • "smtp_protocol" - smtp server allow us to connect, but closing smtp session before email was verified
  • "unknown_email" - server saying that delivery failed and email not exist
  • "attempt_rejected" - delivery fail, reason similar to "rejected"
  • "relay_error" - delivery fail because of some relaying problem
  • "antispam_system" - some antispam technology blocking verification progress
  • "email_disabled" - email account is suspended/disabled/limited and can't receive emails
  • "domain_error" - email server or dns for whole domain is not installed or incorrect, so all emails are not deliverable
  • "ok_for_all" - email server saying that ready to accept letter to any email
  • "dead_server" - email server is dead, no connection to it
  • "syntax_error" - syntax error in email address
  • "unknown" - email delivery fail but no information about reasons
  • "email_exists" - email exists but we have no deliverability information (from 22 of June 2019, see more on verify yahoo email)
Prefix "t_" mean "temporary", "p_" mean "permanent". Prefix very useful because giving additional information about situation:
"p_email_disabled" - it means that server say that email is permanently disabled
"t_attempt_rejected" - it can happens when server just overloaded, and temporary reject verification
"p_error" - no information about email existing, but no chance to deliver email in future too
"t_error" - no information about email existing, but there is some chance that email is alive.
Sub-statuses with prefixes very powerful tool for email results understanding and choosing emails for mailing.

Interesting facts for deeper understanding

There is only one method to be 100% sure that email address is really exist - send email letter.
There are no software or online tools in the world that can verify any email address 100% correct.
Why? Because it's theoretically impossible in case of some email services.
See example of unverifiable email service on scheme.
example of smtp that hard to verify
There is only one email verification method, it's called "SMTP verification", and it's based on data analysis in connection1.
So how "SMTP verification" can know that destination emails server will send bounce in second connection?
There are lots email servers that not compatible with smtp standards, so biggest part of software and online verification tools
giving fake results for it. Our service become one of the best verifiers because our verification based not only on standards,
it's based on large amount of experience.

Verify email list in two easy steps!

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Non-free services of My-Addr Project.
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