Email address location - GUIDE
Email address location checker for free
You can turn on email address location checker when verifying emails through api , list checker and bulk processing tool.
Email verification with location checker and without location checker has the same price.
Understanding of email address location
Email infrastructure can be built in different ways:
- 1) Same server with same IP sending emails, receiving emails, and hosts site(s). (about 83% of cases).
- 2) A separate server with separate IP for send and receive emails, it can be located anywhere and often belongs to different organization. (about 15% of cases)
- 3) One server (or group of servers) that receiving emails and one server (or groups of servers) that sending emails. (about 2% of cases).
It is important to understand, that email address is not always related with physical location of customer (owner of email).
For example, customer can be located in Paris, but create email on gmail.com that is located in USA.
But there are cases when email location will provide us information about customer's language and country.
MX location or email server location
MX location (email server location) is the country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) of IP that used by server that receiving emails.
Our service searching for domain related MX record, in case if it's not exists - A record will be taken.
Then service resolving IP of this record and checking it in GEO-IP database.
Country code can be empty if domain isn't registered, MX record and A record not exists, or there is no data in GEO-IP database.
test1234@gmx.de related to domain gmx.de, MX record contains domain mx00.emig.gmx.net, IP is, it is located in DE.
test1234@yahoo.com related to domain yahoo.com, MX record contains mta5.am0.yahoodns.net, IP is, it is located in US.
Site location
Site location is the country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) of IP of server where the site if hosted.
Our service searching for A record, then checking IP in GEO-IP database.
Site location can be empty if domain isn't registered, A record not exists or IP is not in GEO-IP database.
test1234@gmx.de related to domain dmx.de, A record contains IP, it is located in DE.
test1234@yahoo.com related to domain yahoo.com, A record contains IP, it is located in US.
Site language
Site language is the language code that used on index page of site.
Our service opening site and checking html tags that are responsible for language declaration or some specific words.
Site language can be empty if domain isn't registered, the page is not responding or do not contain information about language.
test1234@gmx.de related to domain gmx.de, http://gmx.de reditecting to https://www.gmx.net, it contains lang="de", language is DE.
test1234@yahoo.com related to domain yahoo.com, http://yahoo.com redirecting to https://www.yahoo.com/, it contains lang=en-US, language is EN.
Service taking location data from GEO-IP database, this data has high accuracy but mistakes also happens.
There are proxy services like Cloudflare, that hide real IP of site. In this case site location will be empty or incorrect.
Site languange is detected by html tags and some words. There are rare situations when our service showing incorrect language.